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Financial Literacy Requirement & The Path to Money Mastery retirement planning Jul 25, 2024

 A Step in the Right Direction Why Early Financial Education Matters

As a wealth advisor with 30 years of experience helping accredited investors near or in retirement, I have seen firsthand the transformative power of financial literacy. Understanding money management, investment...

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IRA vs. Roth IRA: Making the Right Choice for Those 50 and Older ira retirement planning Jul 25, 2024

As you approach retirement, making informed decisions about your retirement savings becomes increasingly crucial. Two popular retirement savings options, the Traditional IRA and the Roth IRA, offer distinct benefits that can significantly impact your financial future. This blog will explore the...

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Protecting Your IRA for the Next Generation retirement planning Jul 10, 2024

At age 73, you're required to withdraw roughly 3.8% from your retirement account yearly. But did you know that proper planning can convert these withdrawals into tax-free money for your kids?

In this installment we continue our How To Protect Your Loved Ones series by exploring strategic ways to...

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9 Painless & Powerful Ways to Travel Safer in Today’s World retirement planning Jul 04, 2024

Summer travel is in full swing. Before you pack your bags take a few minutes to consider your safety.

1. Blend In

Try to dress like the locals. Leave your designer duds at home, and don't wear flashy jewelry You don't want to stand out and call attention to yourself as a tourist, Instead, you...

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The Psychology of Investing: How to Avoid Emotional Decisions retirement planning Jun 27, 2024

Investing can be a rollercoaster of emotions. From the exhilaration of a bull market to the anxiety of a downturn, the financial markets are inherently volatile. However, successful investing often requires a steady hand and a rational mind. Understanding the psychology behind investing and...

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How to Protect Your Loved Ones: Estate Planning Essentials retirement planning Jun 20, 2024

How can you secure your family's future beyond a simple will?

Terry Wheeler delves into advanced estate planning, unveiling essential strategies to assist your loved ones before and after you have passed away. He navigates the complexities of California law, highlights the critical distinctions...

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6 Smart Summertime Financial Tips to Keep Your Finances Cool retirement planning Jun 13, 2024

Summer is a season filled with opportunities for fun, relaxation, and making lasting memories. However, it's also a time when expenses can quickly add up, whether you're planning a family vacation, attending social events, or simply trying to stay cool during the hot months. Here are six smart...

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Top Tax Traps Military Families Must Avoid retirement planning tax strategies Jun 07, 2024

**Not Harvesting Tax Losses** - By reviewing investments annually and selling off declining assets for deductible losses offsetting any taxable gains, military families retain more wealth instead of overpaying IRS taxes.


**Missing Retirement Account Rollovers** - Frequent moves between...

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Truth vs. Trend: The Dangers of Social Media Influencers retirement planning May 28, 2024

Have you seen the latest "can't miss" investing tip or "secret" money hack making the rounds on social media lately? What about the buzz around the "next big crypto" or promises of shortcuts to an early retirement?

If you're on any social platform, it's nearly impossible to avoid the financial...

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Unlock Your Future: Memorial Day TSP Retirement Insights retirement planning May 23, 2024

As we gather to honor the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service to our nation this Memorial Day, it's also a fitting time to reflect on the financial tools available to those who serve. The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a crucial component of the retirement planning...

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Beyond Buy and Hold: Strategies for Protecting Your Retirement in Volatile Markets retirement planning May 16, 2024

Conversations about the stock market can get chaotic quickly - especially because these past few years have tested even the most steadfast investors. 

Has volatility and uncertainty become the new norm?

How can you plan for a future that could change on a dime?


Terry Wheeler dispenses...

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Mindset Shifts that Could Change Your Retirement retirement planning May 12, 2024

Do you ever feel like your finances are on autopilot, or that you're constantly worried about money? You're not alone! But what if we told you there's a way to approach your finances with more positivity and purpose?

In this video, our Wealth Advisor [Your Name] shares 3 simple steps to shift...

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